在娛樂圈混跡多年,我見過不少明星風波,但最近埃及歌星 Eman El Bathy 在開羅舉行的「沙漠之夜」音樂會,可真是令人大跌眼鏡!這場音樂會原本預計是一場盛大的演出,將展示Eman獨特的歌唱風格和充滿異域風情的舞台表演。然而,事與願違,一些突發事件讓整場演出陷入了爭議的泥沼之中,引發了廣泛的討論和媒體關注。
事情的 …
Zahid, the Malaysian heartthrob known for his captivating vocals and charismatic stage presence, recently set Kuala Lumpur ablaze with a spectacular concert …
The air vibrated with anticipation as thousands thronged the Merdeka Stadium on a balmy Kuala Lumpur evening. All eyes were fixed on the stage, patiently …